![Default Default](http://cdn1.xda-developers.com//images/icons/icon1.gif)
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for any issues you may have with your device after using this rom, plain and simple, it is in beta status and will have issues*
image by ansebovi
Please note that I do not own this device and have no way to test it, thus its a WIP, no guarantees
CM based
Lockscreen background options (Color fill, Custom image, Transparent)
Customizable Lockscreen text color
Lockscreen rotation
Option to enable all widgets
Minimize lockscreen challange
Use widget carousel
Slider Shortcuts
Static Lockscreen shortcuts
Lockscreen button actions
LCD Density
Scroll elasticity options
Default App grip option
Custom Carrier label
Dual Pane options
Customizable boot animation (off, default, set your own bootanimation)
Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
Custom BeanStalk bootanimation by skyliner33v
Status bar color and transparency
Clock and date options which includes color, location, style
Signal Styles which include color and text instead of icons, alternate GB signal layout, hide signal icons
Breathing SMS option
Battery styles - Includes specific colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
Do not disturb option
Show notification count
Pie controls (need to have lockscreen background set to something other then default to work correctly (dont ask why) )
Fully customizable navigation bar - Includes style, layout, color, nav rings, pretty much everything you can think of.
Quick settings color settings, tiles per row, Quick pulldown, text color
Notification shortcuts, behaviour, drawer style (customizable colors), toggle colors, longpress quicksettings icon to enable/disable toggles
Keyboard and input method options which include disable full screen keyboard and auto rotate
Kil app back button with customizable timeout values
High end graphic effects option
option to disable/enable vibrate on expand for notifications alerts
Low battery warning customizable options
Recents RAM bar fully customizable with color styles
Clock widget for LockClock including extra options to fully customize every feature of the lockclock
Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
Less frequent Notification sounds options
CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
Enable/disable wake up on charge option
Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
CM Performance options and features
About BeanStalk option with links to github source and facebook for beanstalk. Also links to my twitter and donate.
insane amount of edits/tweaks/fixes to make this build absolutely fly
option to use a fully themable MMS packages. You can access from mms - settings - theme settings
Numerous other options hidding throughout the build
Please keep in mind some of the above features may not yet be fully ported into kitkat..
Thanks to 'scott.hart.bti', its almost all his code! (98%),
Thanks to CynogenMod for the device and kernel code,
Thanks to 'patch_adams' for the help, as well as 'willl03'
Thanks to xda member patch_adams for his support
Current bugs:
* app sidebar causes back button to sometimes not work correctly. Will need to investigate.
feel free to report more issues!
Main Source
Download Rom
1. Wipe data/cache using philz recovery
2. wipe system
3. flash rom
4. flash gapps
Change Log
BeanStalk 4.4.247 - 2/11/2014
- Added PIE - All credit to slimrom devs
- Added BS Platlogo (thanks skyliner for drawables)
- Port SmoothProgressBar: User Custom ProgressBar Setting - thanks hany
- Cleaned up display settings
- Large recents
- recents background color
- Fixed tablet menus
- Improve apps ops detail screen
- Added chameleon Gesture anywhere (thanks hany for the port job)
- Added back xposed app
- Add option to access xposed from settings - Thanks Hany
- Plenty more, but im tired and going to bed.
* Removed unneeded apps such as BeanstalOTA (not supported) and launchers to save space
* synced to latest tree
More updates Here
BeanStalk 4.4.225 - 1/21/2014
* Fixed languages
BeanStalk 4.4.225 - 1/20/2014
* Forward ported theming options for MMS app
- Includes fully customizable theming options for conversation list and message view
- Removed TDRS compatibility since theme is fully customizable
- Set default bubble theme with kitkat UI colors in mind
* Favorite contact tile
* Smart pulldown
* Fixed navring longpress options
* Fixed accessibility force close
* Fixed zero percent battery tile
* Quicksettings - Quick collaps
* Home and menu unlock options
* button longpress lockscreen options from CM
* lockscreen battery percentage options
* Glowpad torch
* Telo Radio (option to customize mobile data during specific events - settings - more - connection manager)
* Listanimation views and interpolator
* Text signal display option
* Text signal color option
* Signal hide option
* Vibrate notification expand
* Custom tiles
* LTE power widget/quicksettings tile fixes
* More AD fixes
* Flip to Mute/Reject Call
* CM sources merged
* Plenty of small fixes around the build
BeanStalk 4.4.215 - 1/10/2014
* Removed goomanager and added BeanStalkOTA app. OTA updates for GAPPs and ROM updates. Huge thanks to the PA team as I used their base OTA package to get started. Please keep in mind that this will only find updates if your device maintaner uploads to the official beanstalk goo account.
* Setup change log webpage at http://www.scotthartbti.com/index.php/beanstalkbuilds/
* Couple of fixes to Active Display
* Added option to view rambar in GB instead of MB
* Changed the busy dialog animation font to match 4.4 UI
* Added Misc features under lockscreen menu which include the following:
- Lockscreen blur
- Lockscreen blur radius
- Lockscreen transparency
- Lockscreen rotation
* Option to set signal icon to either LTE or 4g
* Forward ported notification drawer brightness slider
* Added Gesture navigation
* Added longclick switchbutton
* Sleep Screen shortcut
* Option to set the phone to 2g while screen is locked to save battery
* Hidden 'android animation' planted somewhere secretely in the build
* Added system update to about phone. Setup to point to BeanStalkOTA
* Forward ported sound settings
* Forward ported power connect/disconnect
* Added Stylus gesture features
* Tons of UI fixes and improvements to better suite the 4.4 theme
* Tons of misc fixes and imrpovements throughout.
9/1/14 -
* Huge Camera update with lots of new settings plus external/internal storage selection for video/photo
More updates Here
8/1/14 -
* Fixed sound recording issues that caused video and memo recording to crash
5/1/14 -
* option to use floating window for quick settings
* add never sleep screen mode
* notification drawer brightness slider
* Configurable LTE icon into 4G instead
* couple pick fixes
* Revert "option to use floating window for quick settings
* Storage Settings: Allow user to trigger a volume rescan …
More updates Here
3/1/14 -
* fix non instrusive incallui layout
* make launcher icon match the new google green color
* Revamp DSP Manager
* fix italian and french translation
More updates Here
31/12/13 -
BeanStalk 4.4.205 -
* Added CPU info option (developer settings)
* Fast Torch option (controlled by holding power button when screen is off)
* Added IME features (languages and input settings)
* Made clear recents button configurable
* Ported circle memory meter for recents
* SlimROM chamber of secrets option (developer options)
* Quick sound record title
* Updated TRDS with newer drawables
* Updated brightness status bar slider code
* New screen record built in app with customizable options from beanstalk display options
* Screen record option can also record audio
* Made the power menu profile switcher optional and fixed the implementation which allows it to follow current power menu style layouts that the user defines. (disabled by default)
* Added screen recorder power menu option (disabled by default)
* Double tap to sleep gesture
* Expanded TRDS to numerous system apps
* MMS bubbles from slimrom
* NUMEROUS fixes and improvements throughout.RL]
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